The monastry
a piece of history
When you want to have a party at a location, you do that with a clear reason. You want it to be special; a great memory for yourself and for all the guests that come especially for you.
During the preparation of a party we take all the time needed to know exactly what you want, to make clear what is possible and how we can turn your specific party into something unforgettable. And it doesn’t matter whether this is for an anniversary, a family reunion, a wedding, a company party or just some friends that want to have a bite together.
Each and every occasion is the most important one for you at that moment and we know that.
To start with beacuse of the location. Klooster Nieuwkerk Goirle has something magical, an old monastry in the middle of a forest guaranteeing an attractive setting for a wide range of activities.
And of course because of our sincere hospitality; we are always there for our guests with a warm welcome and we do everything we can to make you feel at home. We listen well to all your wishes and we will always try to do something extra, just for you.
a piece of history
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